1st VR Training for the Colombian National Army.
This is the first Colombian development for Virtual Reality training created for the National Army in all of history.
““We are very proud to announce that we have just completed the quality control and launch of our new virtual reality simulator for the Colombian National Army, which includes the first two content units for a mobile virtual classroom, for teaching and learning of soldiers and officers from all over the country. “
The Perseus Project
This project over virtual reality is innovative in Colombia, although it is already a worldwide trend that is growing rapidly. Different studies have shown that learning is far more effective using this type of technology, the brain consumes the experience as if it were happening in real life and the percentage in which skills are developed is higher, all this before exposing themselves to any risk. The moment in which people come to face these circumstances they react as if they already had prior knowledge of having lived that experience even if it was nothing more than a virtual plane.
Currently, the Perseus mobile unit travels all over the country, stopping in different cities to train troops on Good Handling of Weapons and Prevention of Internal Problems. This first approach to new technologies for the army was very enriching and inspiring and from this, we have come to experience much more about these virtual universes. We know that this is just the beginning and we are prepared for what is to come!