UNREAL-5 The Graphic Engine That Revolutionizes Cinema Is Our Expertise.
"HS exposes his new knowledge in the first Music Video in Colombia that incorporates the sophisticated UNREAL technology to co-create with actors and real physical elements in completely virtual environments with all its infinite creative richness that this universe offers."
¿What is UNREAL?
1st VR Training for the Colombian National Army.
The Colombian Military Forces innovate with the help of Higuera Studios in the management of firearms and prevention of internal aggressions, PERSEO is the mobile unit that travels the entire country, deploying this technological training to thousands of troops each year.
Colombian Ebook with more than 20 international awards, including US.
Including: "Best APP for classrooms". HS become the winner of 2 calls in Colombia with MINCULTURA, MINTIC, and COLCIENCIAS to make the version in Spanish for parents and teachers.
MINTIC finances VR for Training in Emergencies.
Higuera Studios wins the 2020 National Call organized by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies MINTIC. For the development of skills in fire management and cardiopulmonary reanimation (CPR) practices.
There were only 20 projects chosen throughout the country!
13 years teaching in the Main Universities of the Country.
Javeriana University, Nacional University, and La Sabana University, among others, are the Educational Institutions where the Founders of Higuera Studios share their knowledge and cultivate new talents for the digital industry from Colombia to the world.
In 2021 New Headquarters in CANADA !
With the support of PROCOLOMBIA, HS opens a new headquarters on the North American continent in Canada, a leading country in development and technology, attracting talents from around the globe. One of the richest and most competitive markets on the planet is now the new home of this Colombian company for the world.
Latest Techs and Early Childhood Education.
Higuera Studios is always interested in developing skills in children using new technologies, that is why we are inspired by the use of Video Games, Virtual Reality (VR), and Augmented Reality (AR), for the creation of Ebooks and interactive Apps that simulate Reality in a didactic and fun way.
Injection of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE for Higuera Studios.
-Engineer Frank Higuera completes his master's degree in -Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Pattern Recognition. - at the UPV -Polytechnic University of Valencia-
H3 Joins UNITY WIN LEAP DEVELOPERS Program and BETA Testing.
Being now one of the First Developers in the world to experience this recognition of the movement.
H3 Behind The Web Application Of Agua Brisa-COCA COLA.CO.
This APP focused on interaction without controls or a keyboard, using only their hands on the screen, where users could proceed in the process of destroying the new eco-plastic bottle of "Agua Brisa" with 22% less plastic.
Winners of the Black Forest Foundation and IDB Contest.
Black Forest Foundation (Fundación Selva Negra) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) chose us as creators of the official video clip of the song Where will the children play? (¿Dónde jugarán los niños?)
H3 Codesa Challenge Winners
This is a Colombian company focused on providing high-end technologies for gaming, secure connection, and alternative payment gateways.
We were Chosen!
AGUILA beer with Augmented Reality.
Innovation. AGUILA, one of the main beer brands of the BAVARIA group, experiences Augmented Reality with HS.
At the event, H3 received a development kit from one of the BlackBerry executives along with a PlayBook device, thereby enrolling H3 in a developer program.
Higuera Studios During COLOMBIA 3.0
The Colombian government awarded Higuera Studios for a video game concept, to be implemented in schools and libraries throughout the country and also received financial support from the Ministry of Culture for this educational work.
H3 Expands Offices In The U.S.
In the commercial mission carried out in San Francisco and led by Proexport Colombia in November 2012, Higuera Studios received positive comments from companies and possible allies during the different meetings that the sudden change of location of the office in NY entails.
Surprising Visit of UNITY Team to Higuera Studios
It was an honor to welcome Elliot Solomon - VP of North American Gaming at Unity Technologies and the rest of the team at the studios’ offices!
H3 at the UNITY Colombia Launch.
World leaders in video games chose Higuera Studios among some companies worldwide to advance technologies before they hit the market so they can experiment and create exclusive content to share in their global releases.

Entrenamiento Virtual reduce riesgos, costos, facilitando la repeticion y la reduccion de errores en casos reales.
MINTIC Financia Simuladores VR para Entrenamiento en Prevencion de emergencias.
Higuera Studios gana uno de los 20 puestos para impulsar Proyectos en Tecnologia apoyados por la Convocatoria Nacional Retos 4.0 organizada por el Ministerio de Tecnologias de la Informacion y la Comunicacion MINTIC.
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