Higuera Studios S.A.S.
We are a SOFTWARE FACTORY where DIGITAL PROGRAMMING has been our creative brush for 13 years. We are passionate about bringing the LATEST TECHNOLOGIES and maximum INNOVATION to our projects. We bring all the benefits that the digital world offers to our lives. Welcome to our studio.

Meet UNREAL 5 The Graphics Engine Revolutionizing Filmmaking, and it's now our new Expertisse.
HS exposes its new knowledge in the first Music Video made in Colombia incorporating the sophisticated UNREAL 5 technology, and virtual production to co-create with actors and real physical elements in completely virtual environments, with all the infinite creative richness that this universe offers. AMI the renowned influencer is the protagonist of this video clip with a valuable background in inclusion issues, "Diip" was the production house, and John Higuera from HS was the Virtual Production Director.
13 years of education in major universities.
The TOP universities in Colombia such as Javeriana University, Nacional University, and Sabana University among others, are some of the Higher Education Institutions where the Founders of Higuera Studios share their knowledge and cultivate new talents for the digital industry from Colombia to the world.
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Injection at Higuera Studios.
Engineer Frank Higuera completes his master's degree in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Shape Recognition. - at the UPV - Polytechnic University of Valencia. Higuera, who has been living for several years in the technological city of Spain, finishes his master's degree in AI, a vital training to be at the forefront of the latest technologies and the new contributions they bring to all of us..

Virtual Reality
"A basic education for all."

Winners of the BID Contest - Official Video of Grupo MANA.
This contest promoted by the Mexican Rock Band Maná, its Selva Negra Foundation and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to choose the official video clip of the song "¿Dónde jugarán los niños?” was born under the premise that it is time for the world to start questioning itself about the same question. It was there where a group of five audiovisual producers in alliance with Higuera Studios saw an opportunity to show the situation of the Wayúu community in La Guajira.

HS - UNREAL Experts, Launch First Music Video with Virtual Production made in Colombia.
In recent years the use of technologies to create alternative and interactive universes where to dive has taken the attention of most creators and digital programmers alike and now the UNREAL Engine is one of the new toys for the World Cinema, one of the new technologies that HIGUERA STUDIOS promotes in Colombia for all our creators.
And to close, our important chapter focused on CHILDHOOD EDUCATION.