H3 Joins UNITY WIN LEAP DEVELOPERS Program and BETA Testing.
UNITY, one of the world leaders in video games technologies, chose Higuera Studios to carry out the Beta tests of the new LEAP MOTION technology, being one of the first developers in the world to experiment with this movement recognition.
Higuera Studios kicks off 2013 with the news that they have been invited to the LEAP Motion developer program, this is a new and revolutionary technology that will be available on May 19; this enables new forms of human interaction with apps and video games.
UNITY is globally recognized for unleashing new technology before it hits the market for developers or businesses to experience and create unique content and then share exclusively in their global releases.
Leap Motion Controller is an optical hand tracking module that captures your hand movements with unparalleled precision. From XR to contactless kiosks, Leap Motion Controller makes interaction with digital content natural and effortless.
Here at H3, we are planning to put this technology and all its power into upcoming applications, not only for advertising purposes, but also in our secret new internal projects.