OVA - Colombian Air Force
Web Development
MOOC Massive Online Open Courses (Massive Open Online Courses) interactive courses with high multimedia content developed for the Colombian Air Force, based on the SCORM Shareable Content Object Reference Model standard and with a web-only target platform, along with the respective deployment on BlackBoard's LMS Learning Management System and training for content modification or updating.
This project presented several work fronts, starting with a process of understanding the Air Force specialization programs dictated up to that moment, revision of the teaching guides and objectives of each program and syllabus, together with thematic experts, for the 3 Air Force specializations.
Air and Space Doctrine
Airport and Operational Safety
Aeronautical Firefighters
In this stage, during a new consultancy, the design of an instructional proposal was planned in order to achieve an interactive content, taking full advantage of the possibilities and restrictions of the BlackBoard target platform.