Virtual Reality
And Emergency Management Training.
Training in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation CPR & V-R Fire Management.
For GPC of Colombia.
The project is a platform that allows instruction in:
It is developed through a multi-user tool that supports multiple platforms in the cloud. The human mind does not differentiate between this and virtual reality, which although it is a synthetic and digital reality is and remains a reality, it is happening mediated by a digital device and from it remains a knowledge that does exist and can be validated in practice in real life.
In this component within the platform, the praxis or practice of the instruction learned in the previous component is done but in a virtual scenario that is supported by the use of wireless lot devices, or devices that recreate real world objects and that work in conjunction with the virtual reality experience. It is very interesting that in both cases these are situations that cannot be recreated in real life to be learned, they are situations that by law cannot be rehearsed in "real" reality, with this technology there are benefits in rehearsing over and over again, as many times as you want. In reality it would be impossible to recreate or repeat fires or much less CPR practices in people who have a pulse because they can generate death. This immersion is lived and feels more real, thanks to the combination of the virtual and the use of the fire extinguisher or mannequins in conjunction with devices that communicate with the virtual reality experience recreating a virtual reality fire extinguisher.
Here the learning applied by the user during the simulation stage is evaluated, both for the CPR and fire extinguisher handling scenarios, generating feedback to the user about their performance, as well as to the companies with a report of their employees. This in turn allows the platform to learn from the data collected, generating intelligence for the business and improving decision making on the platform and contents.
Grow it.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
All of the above is coordinated by a robust WEB PLATFORM.
Presented in a friendly Front Web, it has its services in the cloud, manages registrations, user management and scheduling for classes together with an E Commerce system.
Thinking about the immediate future.
In the current experiences through teams, meet, skype, zoom, in virtual classes the student faces a screen but does not make a further experience, until there comes to the maximum use of videos, but thinking about it is the same as in the physical classroom!
Our technologies allow the student to be immersed in virtual reality and you can bring to that environment information and ways to interact with it that could not do in real life, such as exploring in detail a recreation of a molecule, or how a bacterium works beyond what you can see in a microscope, how atoms are connected and generates molecules, lots of knowledge with which I can not interact normally but in this virtual reality yes, creating interactive modules of content on atoms molecules and so on. Although it is rare that teachers innovate in the use of didactic resources, with this virtual scenario we have access to unlimited resources, mostly free, in flexible time, quantities and infinite repetitions, and that take the position of the student from a passive tradition to have active experiences which develops much better the creation of complex structures of knowledge, bringing fiction closer and closer to reality!